St Louis Area Postpartum Resources
*Please note: This list should not be considered comprehensive of all postpartum resources in the area, nor does inclusion on the list designate any sort of relationship with me or my services.*
Abeille Speech + Feeding
Alyssa Schnell, IBCLC
Ann Hennessey, MD
Be By Baby
Breastfeeding with Confidence Group (Mercy Hospital)
Eats on Feets
Jamaa Birth Village Milk Bank
Kelly Mom
Lactation On Demand
La Leche League
Lisa Ryan, MD, PhD, IBCLC
MoBap Moms Breastfeeding Support Group
Sacred Garden Midwifery
SSM’s Wednesday Weigh-In
Sweetest Nectar
The Milk Bank -
Greenway Therapy
Heritage Counseling
Jamaa Birth Village Counseling and Support Groups
Lumen Wellness and Counseling
Marble Wellness
Maria Carella M.Ed., LPC
Moms MoBap Morning Virtual Support Group
Perinatal Behavioral Health Services (Wash U.)
Postpartum Support International
Present Moment Counseling
Root to Crown Counseling
Sage Tree Therapy
SHARE Support Group
SSM's MOMS line
SSM's MOMS Support Groups
The Wellness Center
Three Circles of Healing
Waves of Motherhood
Wellness Within Counseling -
See something missing?
If you have a service or resource for families having babies and would like to be added to the resource list, please get in touch!
Want a heads up on what to expect in postpartum?
Because I am so, so tired of people not talking about the important stuff, I put together this list of 5 things that surprise people the most when they are in the postpartum period. You also get a recommendation for a book and a podcast for each, so you can dig a little deeper when you’re ready.